Getting Started With Spring Boot With Postgres

  • Post last modified:March 19, 2023
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Beginners Guide to Using Postgres with Spring Boot


  • The goal of this article is to set up a Postgres database with sample data and then use Spring boot to connect with the database and serve data to the end user as the rest endpoint.
  • Note that this article is beginner-friendly. All the codes have been made available on GitHub
  • In future articles, I will use this setup to demonstrate some of the advanced databases, and JPA concepts ( associations, partitioning, sharding, transactions, etc) using the help of setup performed in this article.

Install Postgres

Install Postgres Database

  • I have a mac environment so my commands are most suitable for mac. i believe there are equivalent tools to install on the respective environment like windows and Linux.
#install database
brew install postgresql

# start database
brew services start postgresql


  • Once we started the service, we can log in to the default postgres database
  • We need to configure Postgres with a role for our default postgres database.
  • Now we can log in using a user that we created.

Install PGAdmin

  • PGAdmin is a nice GUI tool that helps us to interact and operate over our postgres database server.
  • I downloaded the package here for mac. but you can find appropriate for your environment.
  • Once installation is done we can set up a connection to our database.

Setup connection string

  • The bare minimum requirement is just a hostname, port, database, username, and password.
  • on the local system, the hostname would be localhost. the default port is 5432 unless you have set a custom port. we are using the default postgres database and username/password we created above as admin/root

Setup Postgres Sample Data

Create Accounts Table

CREATE TABLE accounts (
 user_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
 username VARCHAR ( 50 ) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
 password VARCHAR ( 50 ) NOT NULL,
        last_login TIMESTAMP 

Insert Rows

  • Simple insert row command would look like below
insert into accounts (username, password, email, created_on, last_login) values('user2', 'password1234', '', now(), now());
  • But let’s add more rows to the table so that we have more data to play with
  • We are using a loop to generate multiple rows.
do $$
  for index in 3..10 loop
    insert into accounts (username, password, email, created_on, last_login) values( concat('user', index), 'password1234', concat('abc', index, ''), now(), now());
  end loop;
end ; $$
  • Now let’s select the rows from the account table to verify if the inserts were successful
select * from accounts;
  • Now our sample dataset is ready which we can connect with the application and build API on top of it and return as best response.

Operating Database with PSQL

  • We can perform all the above operations using the command line as well.

Connecting to database

Listing all the databases

Switching database & Listing Tables

Describing the schema of the table

Selecting all the records from the table

Sprint Boot Project

  • Goto and create the project name “spring-postgres”.
  • I like maven as a build tool so I selected that but you can choose Gradle as well.
  • I chose the java 17 version since that’s the latest I have on my machine.
  • Add dependencies such as Spring web, Spring data jpa,
  • Also, add postgres driver in order to connect to postgres database. the easiest way is to add the dependency in pom.xml

Configure Database Connection

  • I am using IntelliJ IDEA to open this project, you can use it with any idea that you are comfortable with (Eclipse, Netbeans, or even VSCode )
  • The first thing that we have to do is to set up the database connection configuration in a resource file called

Write Application Code


  • We will create an entity that will map the database table to Java Object.
public class Account {
    @Id @GeneratedValue
    private int userId;
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private String email;
    private Date createdOn;
    private Date lastLogin;

//...... more code


  • Next, we will create a repository interface, which will provide all the basic CRUD capabilities to execute against postgres database.
  • It’s very simple using Spring data jpa, we just need to extend JpaRepository Interface and pass the Entity name and primary_key.
  • Check out this file if you are interested.
package com.example.springpostgres.dao;

import com.example.springpostgres.entity.Account;

public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository<Account, Integer> {



  • Now, we will create a logic/service class. The job of this class is to house business logic if any.
  • Our Logic class does not include any business logic, as of now just uses a repository object to query the database and return the result.
public class AccountLogic {

    private AccountRepository accountRepository;

    public List<Account> getAccounts(){
        return accountRepository.findAll();



  • Now we are ready to create a controller that will handle user requests and return the appropriate responses.
  • We will create AccountController, it has one get endpoint account that returns a list of accounts in postgres table.
public class AccountController {

    private AccountLogic accountLogic;

    public List<Account> account(){
        return accountLogic.getAccounts();


  • We can execute the main method of SpringPostgresApplication class. The default port would 8080 and the endpoint that will be available to us would be http://localhost:8080/accounts
  • You will see below message when application started successfully after running main method of SpringPostgresApplication.
  • If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, you will see the terminal at the bottom tab and now we can use it to run the curl command.


  • Curl command returns a list of all the accounts

we can also see the result in the browser

Write First Custom Query

  • In this section, we will see how we can write custom queries in spring boot.
  • We can use @Query provided by spring data jpa to execute the JPA query. The below example is just returning userId greater or equal to the passed integer value.
  • We will take this integer from the user as a rest request and pass it as an argument to this query method.
public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository<Account, Integer> {

    @Query("select a from Account a where a.userId >= :userId")
    List<Account> findAllWithFilteredUserId(
            @Param("userId") Integer userId);


public List<Account> getConditionalAccount(Integer userId){
        return accountRepository.findAllWithFilteredUserId(userId);


  • For the controller in request we are passing the userId param which is an integer and filter endpoint basically listening to the request.
    public List<Account> accountWithCondition(@RequestParam Integer userId){
        return accountLogic.getConditionalAccount(userId);

Curl Request

  • For the curl request, I am passing userId as the path parameter and we can see that we are only seeing the result where userid is 5 or more

Code Repository

  • As usual, I added a code repository to the github.


  • In this article, we set up the Postgres database and serve the data using spring boot rest API.
  • We also learn how to write custom SQL queries to fetch the data from the Postgres database.
  • In future articles, we will use this setup to learn about some advanced concepts like ( associations, partitioning, sharding, transactions, etc)

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