How to Implement Stack Data Structure in Java

  • Post last modified:December 15, 2022
  • Reading time:4 mins read


  • There are many ways to store and operate over data. For different situations, we use different data structures that are perfect or near-perfect for the intended operation. 
  • One such operation that is very common in software development is the Last In First Out operation or L.I.F.O as it is popularly known.
    The data structure itself is called a Stack and the operation that it supports is L.I.F.O.

Use Case

  • L.I.F.O behavior can be seen in real life as well as in computer programming. A stack of plates is a very good example where the last dish will be placed at the top and taken out from the top as well.
  • In computer programming, recursion is a good example of stack data structure. As we call functions recursively they are being stacked and executed in reverse order.
  • Other would-be undo operations in software. Consider games such as Chess or Sudoku which allow us to undo up-to certain moves or paint that allows us to go back, they both behave as L.I.F.O order.

Let’s see how can we achieve L.I.F.O behavior in Java.

Implementation In Java

  • In this article, we will discuss two Stack implementations in java. 
  • The first one is Stack Class which implements Vector class in Java
  • Another is the Deque interface that provides various implementations such as ArrayDeque that can be used as Stack in Java. 

Stack Class Implementation

  • Stack class extends the vector class which itself implements the list interface.
  • Stack class provides push(), pop(), isEmpty() and peek() operation which is typically required operations for L.I.F.O
        // stack of last 5 moves
        Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();

        // push the moves into the stack
        // goto the previous move
        int count =0;
        while(!stack.empty()) {
            Integer i = stack.pop();
            if(i==target) {

        // get the top of the stack
        System.out.println("top "+stack.peek());

ArrayDeque Class Implementation

  • ArrayDeque implements the Deque data structure which is a double-ended queue.
  • Since it’s Deque we can add and remove elements from both ends, hence we can use a subset of the function of deque to achieve L.I.F.O.
  • Below are the push(), pop(), isEmpty() and peek() operation which we can use to achieve L.I.F.O.
        // push operation
        Deque<Integer> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
        // goto the previous move
        int count =0;
        while(!stack.isEmpty()) {
            Integer i = stack.pop();
            if(i==target) {
        // get the top of the stack
        System.out.println("top "+stack.peek());

Difference Between Stack and Deque

  • As we just saw Stack and Deque both can be used to achieve L.I.F.O-like behavior, but there is some difference in both the implementations.
  • Stack is a class that extends the vector class. Hence stack is not extendable if our current class is already extending some other class (Since java doesn’t support multiple inheritances)
public class Stack<E> extends Vector<E>
  • But Deque is an interface, hence we can implement it in our class.
public interface Deque<E> extends Queue<E>
  • Stack is thread-safe while Deque is not thread-safe, hence should be avoided if that is necessary.
  • There are some other differences as well like to iteration and supported methods beyond L.I.F.O, but I will skip that for future articles.


  • Stack is a data structure that is being used in computer programming very often to build scalable software and we can see its reference from real-life use cases like stacks of dishes and books.
  • Java provides a Stack class and Deque interface which can be used to achieve Stack behavior that is L.I.F.O.
  • Although both approaches has differences hence we should know about them before using them in our software design.

Bonus Tip

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