Java Interview Practice Problem (Beginner): Customers With Orders

  • Post last modified:September 7, 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read


We have been given a list of orders made by customers. The business team wants us to develop an API that would take input n and return all the customers who have made orders more than n times.

Our job is to return all the customers who have made orders more than n times.


All customers who made orders 2 or more times

List of Orders:

[Order(id=1, productId=2, customerId=1), Order(id=2, productId=1, customerId=3), Order(id=3, productId=3, customerId=3)]

List of Customers

[Customer(id=1, name=sam, age=65), Customer(id=2, name=lee, age=58), Customer(id=3, name=jane, age=40)]


[Customer(id=3, name=jane, age=30)]
  • Only customer with ID 3 has made 2 or more orders.

Before jumping to the solution consider giving an attempt.


  • First, let’s get all the input data and initialize orders and customers object.
// input data
Common common = new Common();
List<Order> orders = common.getOrders();
List<Customer> customers = common.getCustomers();
  • Since we have orders object we can group all the orders by their customer_id. by doing this we will get a map where customer_id -> [ order_1, order_2 …]
// 1: Group all the orders by the customer_id
Map<Long, List<Order>> customerOrders =
  • Once we have a map ( where cutomer_id is mapped to their orders ), we can filter all the customer_ids who have 50 or more orders.
// 2: Filter all the customer_ids who made 50 or more orders
List<Long> customerIds = customerOrders.entrySet().stream()
                .filter(a -> a.getValue().size() >= 50)
  • Now the only thing that is left is to map the customer_id to the customer object. Since we have a List of Customer object, we can get the customer from customer_id.
// 3: Map customer_id to Customer in order to return the result.
List<Customer> targetCustomers =
                .map(cid -> -> c.getId() == cid).findFirst())



  • Find all the code for this & other exercises on GitHub


In this problem, we used Java Stream API to solve it. Specifically, we used Grouping, Filter, Count and Map operations to get the result.

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